
Friday, April 27, 2012

Living and Learning

Well, it's been a while. I've been busy learning a lot about myself...and my friends.

As far as my "plan" goes...I've decided not to follow a strict plan. I am going to try and make this a lifestyle change, as opposed to yet another quick-fix diet. I have learned my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and have figured out an appropriate daily caloric intake. I am also trying to eat whole, organic, unprocessed foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables. I have decided to cut out meats, which I know are pumped full of antibiotics and other nasty stuff. I am also making a real effort to exercise each week day, for at least 30 minutes. I am starting a training program so I can run a 5K, 10K, and eventually, a half marathon. I will weigh in weekly and share my progress. I am taking it one day at a time and trying to be as patient with myself as possible.

I am so blessed to have a handful of women in my life that truly encourage me and lift me up. I am constantly reminded of this as we all walk the road together to finding our true, skinnier selves. We have been working together to help each other lose weight and get healthy and we've found a bunch of creative ways to do it. My tech-savvy friend created a "secret group" page on Facebook so we can post each day about our workouts and weight loss progress without the whole world knowing. It is so great because we support one another, while constantly raising the bar and challenging each other to work harder. We have also been using MyFitnessPal, an iPhone app. It allows us to "friend" each other so we can see each other's progress, track our caloric intake, track our workouts, and our weight loss. I can't express how much it means to me to have this strong support system! The weight loss journey is a very hard one and I don't think I could do it alone.

My next project is to make a chart of weight loss goals and rewards. The journey is underway! I've started...and that's the hardest part. Now, I just need to hang in there and make it to the finish line!

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